Many people feel very strongly about particular issues to the point of believing that the other side must be composed of fools and idiots, or worse. People holding such views see the world as black and white and feel very passionate about it. This site delves into such issues and explains why they are not black and white.
More crucially, we explore the reasons for these differences of opinion so that each side can understand each other. This helps to bring civility and understanding to the issue. Not only does this make for a better world in which to live, but each side will have far more productive discussions with the other side when respect and open minds are brought to the metaphorical table.
The FBI versus Apple
As an example, consider something like the FBI vs. Apple regarding “unlocking” an iPhone used by a terrorist. Although this site will go into this issue in much greater detail, it illustrates the approach of this site. Back in December 2015, Syed Rizwan Faroook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people and injured 22. This took place at a party at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino in California. During its investigation the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recovered an Apple iPhone 5C. Because the iPhone was locked, the FBI wanted Apple to unlock the iPhone on its behalf. Apple refused to do so.
Arguments for and Against
At the simplest level the issue consists of how much your own trusts and fears. If you trust the government to do the right thing and fear terrorists and terrorism, you may be willing to sacrifice your right to privacy.You’re likely to be on the FBI’s side and you’ll want Apple to “unlock” the iPhone. On the other hand, if you don’t trust the government and consider the threat of terrorism to be statistically remote, then you’re more likely to be on Apple’s side in this issue. That’s particularly true if you place a high value on your personal privacy.
We’ll explore this issue and why people would hold these beliefs in some detail. However, if you want to understand each side of the issue, you need to explore the motivations and beliefs that people hold dear. Otherwise, you have little hope of changing anyone’s mind, or even having a civil discussion.
In essence, you need to understand why people believe what they do. Even then, it really helps if you understand why you believe what you do, a worthwhile exercise for anyone who wants to influence other people.
This Site
This examining of reasons for beliefs is the essence of this site—delving into both sides of an issue and exploring why your might support one side or the other. This is a site for thinking people rather than those looking for light entertainment.
Our Editorial Policy page explains a bit more about the content that is appropriate for this site. It also has some guidance should you wish to contribute an article or video to this site.
This site is owned and maintained by Scott Darlington. Scott has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Electrical Engineering) degree and a Master of Mathematics (Computer Science) degree, both from the University of Waterloo. After a long career in the High Tech industry, Scott has retired and has turned to one of his passions, embodied by this site. Scott is a Canadian citizen living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
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