Twisted tree trunks in Jasper National Park overlaid with text: A Grey World--The world is not black & white.

Welcome to A Grey World! This site consists mostly of articles that carefully explore both sides of an issue. This can help you pick a side or help you understand the other side’s perspective. You’ll see that most of these issues are not black and white at all but, rather, very grey. This site also has the occasional article or video that primarily focuses on one specific side. You’ll find those in the Advocacy category. We hope you enjoy your stay!

The Freedom Con

The Freedom Con

The Freedom Con video points out the absurdity of the Freedom Convoy calling itself "about Freedom". The costs of their so-called freedom are measured in tens of thousands of lives, as this video explains.  The Ottawa Freedom Convoy On January 29, 2022, hundreds...

Should I Get Vaccinated?

Should I Get Vaccinated?

It's been a question for many people for such a long time during the seemingly endless COVID-19 pandemic. Should I get vaccinated? For the majority of people, this is a silly question because they are already vaccinated. Fewer, though, have their booster shots. Some,...

Is It Safe?

Is It Safe?

There are many situations in life where we have to ask ourselves if something is safe. Most recently, of course, we've had a lot of examples related to this COVID-19 pandemic. Is the vaccine safe? Is it safe to stop wearing masks? Getting easy-to-understand answers to...

A Grey World Returns

A Grey World Returns

After a six-year hiatus, A Grey World returns. In the next few paragraphs, I'll explain what led to the gap and why I finally decided to return to the site. Initial Retirement Plans The Subaru 901 car at Targa Newfoundland 2007. It is approaching a very tight corner...

About Donating

About Donating

This site is a labour of love for me. If I never received a single donation, I'd still be working away at this site at my own pace. However, donations can really come in handy in several ways, which I'll describe shortly. More important, though, is why you should...

Advocacy, Our New Category

Advocacy, Our New Category

We're thrilled to announce a new type of content here at A Grey World: Advocacy. Our content up until now has taken care to look at both sides of an issue. Our articles take care to be fair to both sides, and to look at what factors might lead you to take one side or...

Can You Trust the Media?

Can You Trust the Media?

If you're like most people, you'll quickly pick a side or a point of view when you encounter an issue. We discussed several factors that often influence this process in our article, Picking a Side and Influencing Others. One key factor is the media, such as...

Picking a Side and Influencing Others

Picking a Side and Influencing Others

How do you go about picking a side on an issue? You need to investigate the arguments on both sides. What are the claims of each side? Are they true? If I pick this side, is that better for me? Better for my family? Better for my country? What about the other side?...

The Contentious Term, “Rape Culture”

The Contentious Term, “Rape Culture”

Sexual assault is a simple issue on the one hand--just don't do it. But in so many ways it is one of the more complex issues we deal with today. It's a very important issue in our society and we must reduce its frequency and improve attitudes towards women. Advocacy...

Black Lives Matter versus All Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter versus All Lives Matter

All those who think Black lives don't matter, raise your hands! That's nobody, I hope. All those who think some lives don't matter, raise your hands! That's nobody, too, I hope. Because all lives matter. So, if we're all in agreement, why is there so much outrage and...

Welcome to Our Site, A Grey World!

Welcome to Our Site, A Grey World!

Many people who see the world as black and white will immediately take their own usual side on any issue. Little thought is put into why they feel that way. Furthermore, without spending some thought on why other people feel differently, the sides don't understand...

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