The Freedom Con video points out the absurdity of the Freedom Convoy calling itself “about Freedom”. The costs of their so-called freedom are measured in tens of thousands of lives, as this video explains.
The Ottawa Freedom Convoy
On January 29, 2022, hundreds of vehicles, including pickup trucks and tractor trailers, converged in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Calling themselves the Freedom Convoy, they were a mixed bag of people with several goals. These included removing all vaccine mandates and overthrowing the Canadian federal government. A federal election had taken place just six months before and it was won by the Liberal government largely based on their stance on health measures. So, overthrowing the government would have given the boot to democracy. Yet, they had the gall to wrap themselves in Canadian flags. This was truly bizarre behaviour.

A quick look at the protests shown in the video above will reveal nonsensical signs illustrating the depth of their misunderstandings. Yet they claimed to represent the majority of Canadians. Also bizarre. They distrusted the media–though there’s some justification for that stance. They appeared to be completely out of touch with reality–they remain a small minority in Canada.
Then, after three weeks, the police moved in and dispersed the crowds. In court, the husband of key organizer, Tamara Lich, professed to be fully aware of his First Amendment rights. Those are rights in the United States of America, of course, and do not apply in Canada. Instead, Canada has the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It seems bizarre–there’s that word again–to have protesters so completely unaware of basic Canadian knowledge. But then, the entire Freedom Convoy protest was bizarre. On top of that, the Charter does not guarantee the right to deny others their rights by occupying their streets and blaring truck horns continuously around the clock. Watch the video to see how poorly they understand the basic word, freedom, and why it really was a freedom con.
Christopher Paine took the video of the Freedom Convoy in downtown Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He also took the video of the Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus. Garth Gullekson took the photograph of himself alongside the Vaccine Superhero poster. Scott Darlington took the video of the Queensway-Carleton Hospital. Garth and Chris both helped review the milestone drafts of the video. Joe May reviewed every draft in detail. All three of them provided very valuable feedback throughout the process.
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